Investment Management And Accounting For Real Estate Businesses: All The Benefits 

01.06.21 12:00 PM Comment(s) By Assetsoft

Investment Management And Accounting For Real Estate Businesses: All The Benefits

Real estate technology advances at its fastest since the COVID pandemic began. Rapid adoption has been the main goal for most companies. Today, we'll go through what investment management software can do for property managers. 


If you’re interested in leveraging all these benefits, we advise you to work with a professional Yardi implementation solutionOur Yardi consulting services will help you find a property management software that fits in with your business needs. From accounting to collaboration, make it all a seamless affair.

Leveraging current investment trends

Property investment trends have been moving toward unexpected assets and markets. Accommodating this new demand will prove invaluable for property managers wishing to take advantage of the recovery wave. 

1. Certain asset classes gaining traction

Multifamily and office real estate have attracted considerable attention from investor groups. Data analysis and similar features will yield crucial insight on the best investments. 

2. Embrace digital adoption and modernization

The real estate sector has managed to catch up considerably on innovation during the pandemic. Investment management software will be a crucial investment for managers. 

3. Accommodate more investor expectations 

Investors will demand more than capital metrics. Property managers must paint the whole picture for every property, and the right software can streamline this. 

4. Generate fundraising and investment opportunities 

Lastly, fundraising has become the main leverage for investor groups. Managing these strategies with accurate data and flexible options is a must. 

Accessing an advanced investment and accounting management suite 

Providing investors with all the information and functionality they need will drive most companies’ focus during the post-pandemic world. Luckily, investment management software understands that. 


From providing necessary transparency to digitizing operations, property managers can’t miss these features. 

1. Fundraising management 

Property managers can provide all the information on possible investment opportunities for investor fundraisers. Attracting this capital becomes easier with modern solutions. 

2. Evaluate capital investments 

Investors can access in-depth metrics on every capital investment via intuitive dashboards. The metrics include critical dates, current developments, and valuation models. 

3. Run operations and detailed reports 

Via investor portals, users can locate their portfolios and manage their assets in minutes. Modern solutions offer real-time reports for all the metrics they require. 

4. Measure market performance

Finally, companies and investors can measure their assets’ performance and compare them with the market. That includes other properties within the same portfolios. 

Tracking all investments with in-depth data 

Big data has become the center of attention for most of the real estate industry. Investment tracking will become crucial for investors planning to diversify their portfolios to ride the recovery wave. 


Thankfully, most real estate software solutions have understood this and accommodated their features accordingly. Make sure you seek aid from technology selection experts to integrate the best tools for you. 

1. Study prospective investors 

Property managers can evaluate potential investors thanks to intuitive data rooms detailing their proposals, milestones, and fundraising opportunities digitally. It’ll prove critical for locating the right investors. 

2. Onboard promising candidates

Real estate firms can manage candidate subscriptions via detailed profiles providing all the necessary data on each prospect. They can also access detailed payment information and their commitment. 

3. Manage investment capital

Managing investors’ contributions and their share distributions is traditionally lengthy. With accounting software, all these processes are viable automation options to streamline investments. 

4. Create positive relations 

Property managers can communicate directly with investors within the system’s dashboard. That includes accessing contact information, managing correspondence, and assigning responsibilities and tasks. 

5. Keep everyone up-to-date

Modern software excels at generating in-depth reports detailing investment metrics and tax documents. These measurements go alongside property information for storage and evaluation purposes. 

6. Leverage extensive data per entity and asset 

Modern software excels at generating in-depth reports detailing investment metrics and tax documents. These measurements go alongside property information for storage and evaluation purposes. 

7. Advanced customization features 

Every user can segment data columns according to the properties they wish to focus on. This customization extends to visualizing individual assets and establishing their preferred KPIs. 

8. Fundraising and opportunity tracking 

Fundraising becomes considerably more straightforward thanks to pipelines and workflows. Companies can assess which opportunities attract more attention from confident investors as well. 

9. Monitor user activity in the portal 

Investor portals register every user’s login times and frequency, which files they download, and which properties and opportunities they’ve seen. This feature allows companies to understand investor behaviors and interests. 

10. Multi-currency functionality for international investments 

Finally, companies handling international investments—or those planning to do so—can set up multi-currency metrics from their dashboard. It allows them to track their metrics more accurately for accounting and tax purposes. 

Monitor and manage debt within portfolios 

Real estate debt had already been rising in popularity before the pandemic. Investors have understood its advantages for property acquisition. With current market shifts, this asset class will only scale in relevance, and these benefits will prove vital for property managers. 

1. Account for all loan terms 

Critical dates, responsibilities, payment terms, and other clauses are easy to register within the investor portal’s dashboard. It’s crucial for managing debt assets without missing deadlines. 

2. Automation for due payments  

Property managers can automate payments for every loan according to the mentioned terms. It reduces the time and room for error often related to these investments. 

3. Loan and value forecasting 

Additionally, investors can check their loans and how much value they’re providing against their investment. It allows them to make the right calls before moving to other assets. 

4. Evaluate debt assets and compliance 

Investors can manage their insurances, taxes, covenants, and more from a single dashboard. As debt assets can be delicate, these features can save considerable money. 

5. Track multiple investors within a loan 

Loans often involve investor groups, and companies need to track individual contributions and shares in these investments. Thankfully, intuitive user interfaces can reduce these tasks to minutes. 

Assess the performance of multiple assets

While the industry shows a promising future, it's still crucial to understand which assets provide better returns. Performance data will become a vital consideration as investors strive to maximize their profitability amid the recovery period. 

1. Customizable performance metrics 

Investors can configure the KPIs they wish to focus on and segment-specific metrics according to what they want to care for. 

2. Stronger transparency

Every investor gets to check how their assets are performing, reducing the need for in-depth reports and trust issues with the company.

3. Real-time database updates

All databases come from multiple sources, often integrated with other systems in the company. They keep every metric constantly updated for better accuracy. 

4. Sort and segment data

Investors can customize how they wish to view their performance metrics, prioritizing certain aspects over others without compromising other users. 

5. Individual asset evaluation

Lastly, investors can open separate dashboards for specific properties to evaluate them separately. This feature also streamlines comparisons thanks to the amount of data available. 

Valuation models for current portfolio assets 

Finally, property valuation will go hand-in-hand with performance metrics. Investors will base most of their decisions on promising valuation models and forecasting. Providing transparent and accurate data must be a priority for all firms. 

1. Valuate properties faster

Investors and property managers can create advanced valuation models in minutes. Features like automation and real-time databases make these models more accurate as well. 

2. Manage assumptions and related information

Comparing current assets’ performance with future developments and investments takes considerable time. Modern investment management software compiles all the information necessary in one dashboard. 

3. Sync valuation models with other databases

System integrations allow companies to sync their valuation models with other data sources within the company. Thanks to this connectivity, investors can assess multiple models depending on possible future outcomes. 

4. Segment valuation models by timeframes 

Finally, modern software allows for segmenting these models into weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly valuations. It enables investors to consider more variables and investment opportunities. 


Want to do more? Pick a property management software that’s right for you. Talk to the Assetsoft team today!  


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