Procore Implementation Best Practices - Catch Live Talk from Experts at Groundbreak

18.09.23 11:27 AM Comment(s) By Assetsoft

The face of the moon was in shadow

Groundbreak 2023 will host a plethora of exciting events for participants. Assetsoft will be around to learn and share our knowledge with industry stakeholders. Groundbreak 2023 will be a meeting place for leading minds and businesses from construction and real estate. 

Some companies attending Groundbreak are new to Procore. Additionally, a few are just considering the solution for their needs. 

Groundbreak will be a learning experience with talks on subjects like implementing and rolling out Procore. There is also a special talk on implementation best practices on 20th September. 

Are you looking to implement Procore for your business? Then, you must keep your eyes on the event. 

In the meantime, here are a few crucial implement best practices for Procore you should know about. 

Define Clear Goals and Objectives

It is crucial to have an understanding of your organization's goals and objectives before you implement Procore. Start by determining what you aim to achieve with the solution. 

Do you want to improve project communication? Or do you want to eliminate errors and bottlenecks?

Is one of your needs increasing project visibility?

Your objectives will serve as a roadmap for the implementation process. It will guide decision-making and ensure alignment with your overall business strategy.

Organize a Skilled Implementation Team

You must gather a cross-functional team to implement Procore successfully. Your team should include project managers, IT professionals, and end-users to work on the implementation. 

Each member should have a clear role and responsibilities. Additionally, their expertise should complement one another. 

Collaboration and communication within the team are vital for a successful implementation. 

Businesses can work with a professional implementation partner like Assetsoft for a smooth implementation experience. 

Comprehensive Training and Onboarding

Proper training and onboarding are critical for user adoption and system success. Invest time and resources in providing comprehensive training to all users, project managers, field staff, and office employees.

Procore provides various training resources, including webinars, documentation, and live support. They help users become proficient with the platform. 

Ensure everyone understands the software's features and benefits completely for maximum returns. 

Data Migration and Integration

It is a must to ensure smooth data migration when implementing any solution. You don't want to lose or corrupt your current or historical project data. 

Therefore, ensure you accurately transfer all existing project data, documents, and relevant information to your Procore platform. 

Moreover, integrate Procore with your existing software systems, such as accounting or scheduling software. It will allow you to data flow and minimize manual data entry.

Your data will be highly accurate, and you will save time and effort. 

Customize Your Platform to Your Requirements

Procore is a highly customizable platform. You can tailor it to fit your workflows without any limitations. 

Work closely with your Procore implementation team to configure the system to match your business processes. 

Customization may involve creating templates, setting up approval workflows, and defining user roles and permissions. It ensures your platform aligns with your existing operations seamlessly. 

Establish Document Management Workflows

Proper document management is a significant advantage of Procore. Establish clear procedures for document naming conventions, version control, and access permissions. 

Moreover, organize all project-related documents, including drawings, contracts, and change orders. Additionally, ensure they are easily accessible to relevant stakeholders. 

Implement In Increments 

Organizations don't need to roll out Procore across all projects simultaneously. They can adopt a phased implementation approach for optimum outcomes and control. 

Start with a small pilot project or a limited number of users to identify any issues or challenges. Gradually expand Procore's usage as your team becomes more comfortable with the solution. 

The implement-as-you-go approach reduces the risk of disruptions to ongoing projects.

Foster Collaboration

Procore comes with collaborative features to improve communication among project teams. Therefore, encourage all stakeholders to actively use the platform for discussions, document sharing, and real-time updates.

Effective communication can prevent misunderstandings and delays for optimum project outcomes. It also helps everyone stay on the same page. 

Learn More at Groundbreak 2023

Keep our best practices in mind when you implement Procore. Additionally, stay tuned for the Groundbreak event to develop holistic knowledge. You can also contact us for seamless and hassle-free Procore implementation. We have decades of experience helping businesses like yours. 


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