Top Problems Surrounding Real Estate CRM Data Migration and Their Solutions 

08.01.22 04:30 PM Comment(s) By Assetsoft 3

In real estate, customer information is hard-won. As a business owner, you probably know how long it has taken to build up your clientele. Your most consistent income may come from this pool of clients. 

Therefore it is understandable that you want to avoid losing this data at all costs. But switching to newer business models is crucial for your business's success. The real estate market is the top consumer of IT solutions. The $ 10.5 trillion net-worth sector is one of the IT industry's top income earners. 

Why is Migration Necessary?

Real estate is constantly evolving with innovations in technology. Reports show that this sector employs a higher percentage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) than most other industries. Better technology equates to higher efficiency and lower manual labor. As a result, the property sector is usually the first to adopt new software into its business models. 


In 2021 alone, studies show that more than 50% of real estate business people were planning to invest in such relevant technology. With the industry taking such strides towards innovation, it is logical that your business follows suit by using customer relationship management (CRM). 

What is CRM?

Every successful business knows how to prioritize its customers. Their satisfaction is the basis of every success story. CRM is a technology that focuses on improving your client relationship by streamlining processes. Software like Zoho CRM and RentCafe come equipped with features like AI sales assistant, lead notifications, and data analysis to help you target sales. 

Top Benefits of CRM Software

The CRM system optimizes effective interactions with old and potential clients by compiling all necessary data in one place. As a result, you can access information like service records, client recommendations, old sales issues at the tap of a button. This solution helps optimize efficiency by allowing multiple teams to access the data to plan marketing campaigns.  

Benefits of CRM 

Today, high-grade real estate software boasts in-built features like optical character recognition (OCR), and machine learning (ML), making the transition smoother. These technologies integrate themselves into your existing workflow and help revitalize your system. OCR is beneficial when switching to newer and more tech-oriented business models. The integrated character recognition helps to read and convert existing data into machine-readable text. You can upload information from old Excel sheets and scanned physical copies.  

Doing so makes your data more accessible for both you and your team. Meanwhile, an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system helps different departments access the same data without hassle. 

Top Features to Look Out For in a Real Estate CRM Software

From boosting your sales to increasing overall productivity, the benefits of integrating CRM software are endless. But when you look for a firm to collaborate with, always choose a company that gives you your money’s worth.  

Though all firms make promises about the inbuilt tools in the software, here are the CRM tools you should keep an eye out for. 

AI Chatbots 

Having an AI look after the customer inquiries can relieve a significant load off your team's back. Since artificial intelligence is self-learning, it can easily replicate human speech. This feature helps them provide information to potential leads organically and engagingly. 

Marketing Tools 

When choosing your CRM software, look for those that focus on marketing. You will be using client data to create effective campaigns. Having a technology that specializes in collecting data lead origin and cross-platform analysis can be a huge help. 

When you upgrade your business model to accommodate newer technology, the chances of losing vital information are high. Therefore the advantages of switching to a more updated system are clear to see. However, it is also true the transition process that can prove troublesome. 

Besides this, here are some other problems you could face and the solutions to said issues. 

1. Data Overload

Excess data is always a problem when migrating to a new business model. Since information is vital in the industry, your team may have kept backups and backups of backups to avoid losing them. So when you are switching to a CRM software like Customer 360 or Zoho, you are sure to come across multiple copies of the same data. Aside from this, your data could be incomplete and may require manual intervention. 

Such information could overburden the system and cause lagging. Your software efficiency drops as a result, and you may start getting inaccurate results.  


You can solve the problem of excess information with a bit of human labor. A stray social media channel or an abandoned account is usually the culprit in these cases. A little research into the source of this irrelevant data can yield beneficial results. So, after locating these sources, you can close or delete the junk. In the case of duplicates, assign a team to go through the data and keep only the necessary ones.  

2. Problems with Compatibility 

Not all data works with other data. If you are upgrading to a CRM system from a more dated version, you may need modifications. If you are looking to archive it perfectly, you can migrate in segments. Otherwise, simply transferring the entire modified content works as well. By ensuring compatibility with the new CRM system, you create a centralized database that everyone in your team can access. 

Manual Intervention 

Building the data from the ground up can be a little exhaustive initially. But there are chances that some of the older data is simply incompatible with the system. They may differ in language or encryption. In such cases, you and your team may need to do a bit of groundwork.  But doing so will help you reacquaint yourself with your contracts.  



Such a procedure will familiarize you with the new system as you file your information under the centralized platform. 

3. Third Party Collaboration

Hiring a tech consultation company can also prove highly profitable for your property business. These firms are experts at implementing and managing CRM software. With such collaborations, you can also access essential tools like RentCafe CRM and Customer 360. 

The latter is a software by Salesforce that has several crucial features for customer relationship management. The software's features combine technology like marketing automation and an AI-powered chatbot with an accessible user interface. Such tech makes it easier to fill in the gap left after deleting all the junk. 

Want to get started with a real estate data CRM that actually works? Talk to our experts at Assetsoft today. We can help find you the right real estate property management software for you. And get you started with data migration the easy way.

Assetsoft 3

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