Blog tagged as CRE

Are Mixed-use Properties in Trend? How can you benefit from it? 
Are mixed use properties the trend? How do you benefit from using them? Here's what you need to know.
08.07.22 11:51 AM - Comment(s)
How our CRE strategies can help your real estate business
Know how implementing the right CRE strategies can help your real estate business. Find out about the best CRE strategies and tips to help you.
05.06.22 06:27 PM - Comment(s)
Impact of COVID-19 on CRE, the present and the way forward 
The commercial real estate industry has changed post-pandemic. Here is a look at the major drivers and the top trends to look out for.
14.03.22 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
The Top Black Real Estate Pros and How They Are Making a Change 
Find out how some of the black real estate pros are challenging the CRE industry and succeeding. Find out how you can choose the right real estate property management software for your business.
03.03.22 10:39 PM - Comment(s)
The Top 8 Reasons to Use Chatbot Technology for Property Management 

Chatbots are not new to the internet. 67% of consumers worldwide had an interaction with chatbots last year. Whether improving customer experience or collecting information, chatbots have made their way into every industry. In real estate, they are used to interact with prospects and conve...

30.07.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
