Blog tagged as ERP

8 Best RPA Use Cases to Know About
Robotic Process Automation, is the system that assists organizations in automating their workflows in several departments and platforms.
01.07.24 01:02 AM - Comment(s)
Features to look for in a real estate ERP system before integration 
Even though traditional real estate professionals swear by old-school business methods like excel sheets and bulky paper files, the ERP market is changing. Here is how.
01.02.23 05:28 PM - Comment(s)
Top Factors To Consider When Choosing Real Estate CRM 
Need help choosing the right real estate CRM? Here are some of the things that you need to look at when looking for the best real estate property management software.
12.11.21 09:15 AM - Comment(s)
How You Can Prevent Data Overload With ERP Software 

Data is extremely valuable for the real estate industry. Companies process huge amounts of data to finalize important decisions. In fact, 7 out of 10 businesses think data discovery is very important. But what happens when there is too much data? Your software experiences an information ov...

06.08.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
How to Ensure a Smooth Real Estate ERP Software Go-Live 

Every company lays special emphasis on their ERP software go-live. The companies that are successful gain immense benefits from it. But, not all ERP go-lives happen smoothly.  


According to 360o Cloud Solutions, as much as 29% of ERP implementations are not successful. Ther...

04.08.21 11:30 AM - Comment(s)
