Blog tagged as RPA

Top Applications Of IoT (Internet Of Things) in the Real Estate Industry 

Internet of Things is also known as a 'Web of Things'. What this system essentially does is that it compiles various individual smart gadgets like sensors and home systems on one framework. Essentially, this means that things like your refrigerator or thermostat are connected via the in...

09.01.22 05:49 PM - Comment(s)
5 Productivity-Boosting Tips For Real Estate Automation 
Want to automate things to streamline work productivity? Find out the top strategies experts use to boost real estate automation.
10.11.21 08:09 AM - Comment(s)
Best Real Estate Tech Trends To Leverage In 2021 

Just like almost every other industry around the world, the real estate industry was affected because of the pandemic. At a time when people were forced to stay home, change their spending patterns, and reduce consumption of non-essentials, it is a no-brainer that the real estate market would have t...

08.08.21 08:20 PM - Comment(s)
How To Avoid Common Property Management Software Mistakes? 

Real estate automation has been in the market for quite some time. Every sector--from residential to commercial--has adopted some form of technology to simplify business processes. Automation through RPA tools not only leads to smart management but also plays an integral part in the financial succes...

05.08.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
The Top 8 Reasons to Use Chatbot Technology for Property Management 

Chatbots are not new to the internet. 67% of consumers worldwide had an interaction with chatbots last year. Whether improving customer experience or collecting information, chatbots have made their way into every industry. In real estate, they are used to interact with prospects and conve...

30.07.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
