
Blog tagged as Tenants

Why Is Maintenance Important For Your Properties? 

Everybody likes a well-maintained property. For property managers, that leads to tenant satisfaction and tenant retention. A survey by Avail states the same - 12% of tenants planned to vacate rather than renewing their term if the property was not well-maintained. ...

25.08.21 10:30 AM - Comment(s)
Common Tenant Complaints and How to Resolve Them 

Managing properties is not an easy job. With constant complaints, maintenance problems, and difficult tenants to deal with, your job can become extremely tedious. When tenants reach out to you, however, you are legally obligated to resolve the complaint in an equitable manner for all parti...

20.08.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
Top 10 Tenant Screening Tips 

Tenant screening is one of the first and the most important steps while renting your property. If you’re managing a property business, tenant screening can be a tedious task, and if done wrong, it can lead to troubling consequences. Getting that ideal tenant is not always possible. Ev...

18.08.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
Busting Common Tenant Screening Myths 

Renting out properties can be a tough job. From having to interview tenants, provide maintenance, manage accounts, and solve tenant problems, the list goes on. Whether it is noise complaints, damaging items, or constantly being notified about minor problems, these tenants ca...

16.08.21 10:30 AM - Comment(s)
Top 9 Best Practices For CAM Reconciliation

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) reconciliation sounds simple. Just add up all common area expenses and divide them among all the tenants. But in reality, it is a complex and time-consuming process. You might miss certain expenses or end up overcharging your tenants. Regardless, any error in CAM reconc...

07.08.21 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
